Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Some Morning Piece of So-Called Writing

My Neighbor's dog is a howler, I have a paper to write, I forgot to cancel my appointment with my shrink for tomorrow, which means I will have to see Him and my parents in the same day. Though I couldn't sleep properly, still managed to stay in bed until now (11:00 am). One more thing, what is the protocol to actually get this page to appear on Google search. Maybe I need to post more pictures. Let us see what we have.

I Found this one on somebody else's blog, through some banal image search. Is this all I can ask for? It appears to be part of a poster for some Serbian Film Festival. I think the dudes on the left look like Hermann Gromek from Hitchcock's TORN CURTAIN, with Groovin' Paully Newman.

The other image? Sleeping Beauty or was it Snow White? Fairy tales are cruel but Disney is a gleeful, leather-masked snuff star with studded nipple rods and well trained Pluto's and Goofys, who know just when to bark, but also when to nuzzle.

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